Italian photovoltaic, published the report GSE 2016. Puglia leader in the production
The GSE has published the statistical report on solar photovoltaic 2016. Starting from the data of the computer system Gaudí (managed by Terna) and the archives of GSE for the management of the mechanisms of incentive and withdrawal of electricity, the document photographs the state of the national Photovoltaic Park, with analysis and information On the evolution of the installed power and the energy produced, the diffusion of technology by sector of activity, the share of self-consumption, the hours of use, the relationship between production, consumption and consumption of utilities for exchange plants on Place.
Coming to the numbers, in Italy at the end of 2016, 732,053 photovoltaic plants are operating, for an installed power of 19,283 MW (+ 382 MW compared to the end 2015), which in 2016 produced 22.1 TWh of energy, with a drop of 0.8 TWh compared to the previous year (-3.7%) . The 2016 saw the installation of more than 44,000 plants, almost all of power less than 200 KW and adhering to the exchange on the spot. In General, the national average size confirmed the trend of the decrease, showing on 26.3 kw, with small-size installations-i.e. up to 20 kw-which accounted for more than 90% of the new plants and 20% of the total national power.
79% of installed equipment belongs to the domestic sector, while most of the power produced (51%) is related to the industrial sector (see chart 1).
Figure 1-Number and power per sector of activity
Source: Statistical report on photovoltaic solar 2016 – GSE
The GSE report then contains data on the type of plant: 73% of the power is made of polycrystalline silicon, 21% mono-crystalline silicon and 6% thin film (12% of the photovoltaic production of Sicily uses this technology) or in Different materials.
As regards the trends of the Regions (see chart 2), in northern Italy there is the greatest concentration of plants (54% of the total), to follow there is the south with about 29% and then the central regions with 17%. Well 28.5% of Italian plants, in fact, is located in Lombardy (about 110,000 plants, first among the regions) and in Veneto, with its almost 100,000 installations. But it is in the South that the primacy is recorded in terms of installed power, where Puglia touches altitude 2,623 MW. Puglia is confirmed in the first place also in the 2016 classification of production, with 3,465 GWh equal to 15.7% of the national total, preceding Lombardy (9.8% of the total) and Emilia Romagna (9.5%).
Graph 2-number and power and gross production per region
Source: Statistical report on photovoltaic solar 2016-GSE