GSF adopts green

GSF has adopted CSR, (Corporate Social Responsibility) integrating it into the business development strategy. This is a noteworthy step, because it marks once again the boundary between an integrative commitment and a medium-long term strategy, which is able to contribute to the creation of value over time. It is a goal that is pursued by both large and medium-sized enterprises that aims to improve the quality of working life and extra work of people.
<< … ..on the Italian scene, the first places among the initiatives of the companies confirm the protection of the environment, the improvement of the internal climate and the company welfare. In particular, 56% of the sample investigated claims to have promoted environmental sustainability activities and 53% projects to improve working conditions or employee well-being …. (source the sun 24 hours) >>
Global Solar Fund has participated in the public notice held by the Municipality of Brindisi for the adoption of public green by choosing one of the main squares of the city, Piazza Vittorio Emanuele. The company will be responsible for the maintenance of trees and gardens at its own expense for one year. “We enthusiastically adhered to this small but important initiative – explained Giuseppe Tammaro, GSF CEO – who wants to be a concrete testimony of our commitment to the territory, I believe it is a duty of companies to contribute to the wellbeing of the community in which they operate.