Policy for quality, environment, safety and health at work,
The prevention of corruption and the protection of personal data

The high management of the Global Solar Fund companies, in line with their own philosophy based on the ability to continuously adapt to the needs of the market, has decided to equip itself with an integrated management system that complies with the standards Quality (uni EN ISO 9001:2015), the Environment (uni EN ISO 14001:2015) and the Prevention of corruption (uni ISO 37001:2016) in order to determine and satisfy the needs of its business partners, the environment, people working in Local communities and all other interested parties.

Furthermore, it has decided to equip itself also with a safety and health management system at work (BS OHSAS 18001:2007) and a management system for the protection of personal data (ISDP 10003:2015).

The policy is in fact the decisive input for the determination of the objectives and the planning for their achievement.

The high management of the Global Solar Fund companies through the selection of the best skills, aimed at optimizing the performance of the entire organization, pursues competitive advantages paying particular attention to the context Economic, political, social, environmental and technological current and future.

The high management undertakes to conduct the business in fulfilment of the requirements of the rules applicable to the organization giving evidence to all the people who work in GSF of the spirit of "authenticity" with which the normative principles are accepted and Considered as real and as proactive opportunities for continuous improvement.

The high management, in addition, informing all workers about the current legislation underlines the importance of compliance with the rules and indicates, to all workers, the exact modality of behaviour so that the activities carried out show the respect of the Legislative panorama taken in charge.

The customer, the environment (present and future), the people present at the workplace, the legality and the transparency in the relationships are the cornerstones of the Business Continuity of the organization.

The policy of the GSF companies assumes the following inspiring principles which lay at the basis of each activity:

  1. Genuine approach to quality, the environment and the prevention of corruption;
  2. The centrality of the legality, the customer and the environment;
  3. Commitment to prevention for safety and health in the workplace;
  4. sustainable development;
  5. Ethically correct and transparent relations with business partners, public administration and other stakeholders;
  6. Full compliance with the legislation applicable to the organisation;
  7. The prohibition to put in place any form of corruption, committing itself to preventing such cases by encouraging the reporting of suspicions, in good faith, without fear of retaliation for the reporters;
  8. Protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement thereof;
  9. Review of policy and its objectives;
  10. Commitment to continuous improvement, establishing "objectives and programmes";
  11. Policy kept active and functional to workers ' commitments.

The GSF companies define the appropriate measures for the pursuit of the above principles and shall apply all the procedures necessary to verify compliance with this policy, the code of Ethics and any other applicable law or legislation, explaining the authority and Independence, in relation to the prevention of corruption, of the function of conformity.

Personnel who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary measures, and any other legal action is necessary to protect the interests of the GSF companies.

Business partners who violate this policy will be subject to contractual remedies, including the suspension of execution and the termination of the contract, the prohibition from entertaining business relations with GSF companies and claims Damage.

The high management is committed to communicating and making available the policy, in the form of documented information, inside and outside the GSF companies in the most appropriate way, giving evidence to third parties of the fitness for the purposes of the Organization .

Note: The policy assumes written form, depending on the opportunities, on the website, in the posters posted in the workplace, in the company documents that present the companies GSF for promotional and commercial purposes.

[1]Policy for quality, environment, safety and health in the workplace, prevention of corruption and protection of personal data, hereinafter referred to as ' policy '.

[2] Public officials, in charge of public service and any other public entity.